
Friday 11 April 2014

EASTER (intermediate)

Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the culmination of a period of forty days of repentance and fasting called Lent in remembrance of his Passion and crucifixion.

Easter takes place in spring, when life renews itself. Different countries celebrate Easter with various traditions. Sorrowful parades can be seen in most Spanish cities during the Holy Week remembering Christ's suffering, while in Ukraine the art of decorating eggs is an old custom that dates back to pre-Christian times. Egg painting and egg hunting are popular customs in the U.S.A. today, with children trying to find the eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden for them.

Both eggs and rabbits have been a symbol of fertility and rebirth for centuries. The ancient tradition of decorating eggs started well before Christian times and was adopted by early Christians, who dyed eggs in red in memory of the blood of Christ. Eggs also represent the tomb of Christ, from which he rose with renewed life.

Learn about an old tradition from Ukraine:

Easter traditions around the world:

My question to Spanish students:

Why do you think the American tradition of egg hunting has not become very popular in Spain while so many others (such as trick-or-treating) have?

I'd love to read your answers!

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